Medications has an important role for prevention and treatment of alopecia in both men and women. They are particularly useful in the early stages of the balding process. There are medically approved medications for common baldness - especially in in androgenetic alopecia (men's):
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Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a hair loss treatment based on the principle of photo-biotherapy. Hand-held devices or brushes/combs that emit laser light can stimulate hair growth. These devices might stimulate cell growth producing thicker hair and a fuller appearance. These products are clasified as medical devices and the long-term effect for these devices is not established. iT is believed to be more useful for diffuse hair loss (seen in women mostly).
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair is removed from the back and/or sides of the scalp, (donor area), to areas that have thinning hair or bald - on the front, top, or crown of the scalp (recipient area). Because on the donor area has different characteristics and the hair is permanent, once transplanted, it will continue to grow for a person’s lifetime.
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Cosmetic camouflage comes in sprays, powders, creams (Toppik, Dermatch, etc). Persons who are just starting to loose hair, especially in the crown, can use these cosmetics to make the hair look thicker. But in order to look natural, the person has to have a good amount of hair to hold the products in place.
Another kind of products used to hide one’s balding is represented by hair systems (wigs, hair pieces). There are many types of hair systems, attached by glue or even sewn to the patient’s existing hair. A common problem is the necessity to professionaly adjust and clean these systems from time to time, which can mean an additional pretty high cost. Also, some of them can cause traction hair loss, making the balding process more significant.
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Transplant procedures can be somewhat painful mainly due to local anesthesia using injections into the scalp. But new procedures do not involve needles
Hair transplantation can be performed at any age, technicaly, but probably in many cases doctors recommend patients to wait up to an age close to 30 years.
Depending on the method used for harvesting grafts, recovery time can vary from a few days (FUE method) to 1-2 weeks (FUT or STRIP method)
Very important rules for a healty transition after hair transplant surgery.
What technique? FUE or STRIP? Advantages and disadvantages of each.
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